Shaping the
future together.

Find out about our service portfolio, our corporate culture, our values and our strategy for success on our website. As a contract manufacturing provider throughout Europe, Jäger is a highly specialised company in which all levels of responsibility, from development through production to management, offer interesting tasks and opportunities for development.
Find out about our service portfolio, our corporate culture, our values and our strategy for success on our website. As a contract manufacturing provider throughout Europe, Jäger is a highly specialised company in which all levels of responsibility, from development through production to management, offer interesting tasks and opportunities for development.

Our current job offers. Please send us your application documents by email or in the post or use our email form. If you don't see the right role for you in our job offers, you are welcome to send us an unsolicited application.

Contact form
Jäger GmbH
Heinkelstrasse 8
(Administration and Production)
Heinkelstrasse 10 (Logistics Center)
76461 Muggensturm
fon +49 7222/9518-0

Medical Devices

Jäger GmbH
Heinkelstrasse 8
(Administration and Production)
Heinkelstrasse 10 (Logistics Center)
76461 Muggensturm
fon +49 7222/9518-0